Market Penetration
Let’s be honest: “Market penetration” sounds painful – and it is – especially if you try it all by yourself.
You may know someone in the market that promises to make a few connections on your behalf, or you might have a few potential partners that are saying that they will sell your solution. You may even travel there every month; you might get a couple of orders (usually it is a giveaway and you have not charged or charged very little), but sales are not taking off as you were hoping.
The above scenario is more of a market entry as it is not running deep enough to permanently establish yourself in a certain market.
Market penetration does not need to be a painful process if you trust a team that works closely with you and knows what it is doing.
We can sell for you globally but we can only assist you with a proper market penetration into English speaking (UK & Ireland) and German speaking (Germany, Switzerland & Austria) Europe.
Our Market penetration solutions are designed to give you a quick win engaging at least 3 channels (direct, resellers and OEM) – usually one of them is responding positively. Rather than focusing on the one more successful and dropping the other ones we manage the responsive one and add an additional channel such as B2B e-commerce and establish a secondary successful channel out of the remaining channels. This process is being repeated until all or at least most of the channels are producing income for you.
Channels often are interlinked; especially during a market penetration. A reseller will hesitate to work with you unless you can show a successful end user installation in his region or target market. On the other hand the only chance to sell to an end user without a case study in the relevant market is to work with a trusted partner or have an online presence and so on.
Our network of end user clients, partners, OEM’s etc is so extensive, that we can overcome most if not all challenges of market penetration for you and achieve ongoing – reoccurring sales for you in the above mentioned markets.
Successful market penetration also requires presence.
Please browse this website to find out how we can give you a market presence, boost your revenue or even provide localised branded technical services on your behalf.